Friday, January 28, 2011


Hi Again,
   I thought I would blog about the ports we visit on this cruise, but instead I am fascinated by our other passengers.

   We have had lunch in the dining room twice so far and both times were interesting. The first time a woman sat beside Joe and for some reason told him she was looking for a man on this trip. It seems she found a prospect and changed her table to his. Unfortunately for her all he does is talk about his dead wife and how he spreads a little of her ashes in each port of call.

The second lunch was with a couple from Vancouver. I don’t know if they were married. The gentleman told us he took a train to Ft. Lauderdale from Vancouver to go on this trip. < that costs a small ransom and takes 4 days>. He is getting off in Athens, spending a few days, and flying to London where he will board the Queen Mary and sail to NYC where again he will take the train back to Vancouver. His companion/wife will depart in Hong Kong and fly back home. Go figure

   I have noticed a lot of elderly people traveling alone. By elderly I mean old such as 90. Almost all have deficits such as vision, hearing, or mobility issues. All of a sudden I am a nurse again and can’t help thinking, what are these people thinking, they are an accident waiting to happen. One roll of the ship and over they go.

Before we left, almost everyone asked, how do you pack for a 4 month cruise? For myself I probably brought too many evening clothes. Here are examples of what two others have done. The first looks like she is having lunch with Michele Obama every day. She is dressed in silk suits with matching shoes and jewelry. So, how much stuff does she have with her? The answer is more than plenty. By chance, her cabin was being cleaned while I walked by and she had brought with her closet organizers that are made out of plastic and hold tons of shoes etc. They are about 6 ft long and she has them hung on the outside of her closet doors. The second women is a bit more practical. She brings only old clothes and discards them as she wears them. She stated she flies home with a carry on bag. I like her plan better.

Lastly an update on hat lady with a picture. It seems she has 18 animal hats with her. This one was taken as we were getting off the tender in Easter Island. Too bad Joe cut part of the chicken’s head off.

Gina Wagg

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